Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

March 9th, 2004
March 9th, 2004

Content.Management system goes live for

The latest customer to take full advantage of PawPrint´s dynamic content management

Already pleased with their bed and breakfasts listing web site, the Best Bed and Breakfasts of Victoria association have licensed PawPrint´s new Content.Management XDe module to give their, already successful web site, full administrative control. launched several months ago as a dynamic Bed and Breakfasts listing site highlighting most of the top B&B´s in Victoria. PawPrint designed the site and created a new accommodations listing module especially for this implementation.

To boost their search engine ranking PawPrint recommended that they add info pages to the site (golf, activities, weather, tides etc...) Initially all these pages were fixed content pages - ie: coded manually by PawPrint. Now all the text and images for these pages are part of the dynamic Content.Management XDe Module giving the site administrators full control of their content.

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