Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #849

Portrait for bruce

by: bruce
November 9th, 2008
Continuous snyc
Hi.  Found WT the other day and installed it on Win08SE.  I only had i real issue with it: both the window title and the pop-up from the task bar showed the correct time with yesterday´s date.  Later, I noticed that the time wasn´t updating with the clocks.

This evening, WT offered to update the program and I let it.  Now it continually tries to synchronize with the result that my PC freezes.  The retry is so fast that the sound for failure is cut off by the new sync attempt.  I tried bringing up the clocks window when I started this and it just got to where the titles of the clocks are showing.

One other issue that I have (and it is not limited to WT) is that the readme file displays as html source and I can´t figure out how to make it readable.

I´ll wait to report an error in trying to read the sync log until I can check if it has already been fixed.

I love WT as I can get the correct Westminster chimes.


PS:  I just brought up Task Manager and see that there are three (3) entries for Timesync as well as Winoldap!  Ended 2 of them then 2 more started!  Ended the main program and while ending the second Timesync, the PC rebooted!  I managed to keep WT from starting, took it out of my StartUp folder and restored ATT with its half hour chime!  (Wished I could find this for Linux.  Then I could quit using that unsupported OS!)

Portrait for bruce

by: bruce
November 12th, 2008
Continuous snyc
Opps!  It wouldn´t let me correct the correct folder to ...World Timedata

These posts don´t like {BackSlash}!
Portrait for bruce

by: bruce
November 12th, 2008
Continuous snyc
Ok! I´ve removed the "new" WT and re-installed my original Version and it is working as I remembered it.

I no longer have any date or time in the title bar and the pop-up is correct.

The one issue remaining is that when I click to view the Sync Log, it says the it can´t find wtsynclog.wtd in ...World Time!  The correct folder is ...World Time/data.


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