Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #795

sabinesiebenstein has no photo

by: sabinesiebenstein
October 21st, 2007
Big Ben Sound
Hallo Forum,

after I changed to Vista the Big Ben Sound  does not work any more, not even with Media Player. What about that possibility proposed by Media Player Web Help: The file type is supported by the Player, but the file was compressed by using a codec that is not supported by the Player. Where do I get a codec? Or can someone send me a file that works? Please to .

Thanks for your help.

Sabine Siebenstein
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schulze has no photo

by: schulze
August 22nd, 2012
Big Ben Sound

on my new system (Win 7/64) the Big Ben sound doesn't work either. It is possible, though, to play it on the Microsoft Media Player.

As I learn from the posts in the forum there is a solution to this problem.  I should be extremely grateful if somebody out there (Sabine?) could mail me the file(s) needed. Just drop a message and I'll send my email address.

Thanks in advance,

mattinkc has no photo

by: mattinkc
December 22nd, 2008
Big Ben Sound
Iīm not sure itīs a problem only with Vista. The last several versions I downloaded did not have the proper Big Ben sound. Pre-Vista I was able to import a sound file from an earlier version. Not now.
sabinesiebenstein has no photo

by: sabinesiebenstein
November 15th, 2007
Big Ben Sound
Well, if it did not work and I cannot attach files other than pictures send me an eMail that I can send you the file. I cannot see any file attached in my post :-(
sabinesiebenstein has no photo

by: sabinesiebenstein
November 15th, 2007
Big Ben Sound - Solution
Since this apparently concerns more people I want to post my solution and hopoe it helps others as well. I got my file fixed and attached the file for Big Ben here. Please let me know if it works by you.

Good luck,

sabinesiebenstein has no photo

by: sabinesiebenstein
November 15th, 2007
Big Ben Sound - Solution
Since this apparently concerns more people I want to post my solution and hopoe it helps others as well. I got my file fixed and attached the file for Big Ben here. Please let me know if it works by you.

Good luck,

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
November 14th, 2007
Big Ben Sound
Something odd must be going on with vista - it sounds like it must be the call to the media player that WT is using not being compatible with Vista (I donīt have any Vista systems so I canīt confirm this) Thatīs the only thing that makes sense of the files play back OK from the folder.

Is anyone using Vista where it does work?

If itīs the media player - then Iīm not sure if Iīll be able to do much about it - WT just calls the built in media player through programming language (Delphi) that it is written in - if that no longer works - there is probably no ready solution without compiling in a new version of Delphi.

Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
a.o.schuwendt has no photo

by: a.o.schuwendt
November 14th, 2007
Big Ben Sound
Not only the Big Ben Sound will not play from WorldTime in Vista, but also the alarms and synch sounds, although they will play normally when selected from the directory.  Any Ideas?
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
October 23rd, 2007
Big Ben Sound
Sounds like Vista is confuzzled.

The sounds are not compressed - just raw wav format.
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.

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