Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #780

racingoyster has no photo

by: racingoyster
September 4th, 2007
Welcome screen returns every few days
Every few days, instead of starting normally, WorldTime 6 displays the "Welcome to WorldTime" dialog as if it was just installed. This wouldn´t be so much of an annoyance, except that WT6 also then resets all configuration settings to their initial value. This means I must reconfigure the application every few days.

Is there some sort of timer that periodically tries to update the location file? Could this timer be having unanticipated collateral effects?

paulg has no photo

by: paulg
September 7th, 2007
Welcome screen returns every few days
I may have an answer to your problem.

The worldtime.conf file located in the data sub-directory has a parameter named
FirstRun. My file has a value of False which makes sense. If this is somehow
getting changed to True this might explain your problem. The parameters InstallUpgrade and ReadOnly are also False on my system which makes sense.

Hope this helps Paul

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