Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #62

ihumee has no photo

by: ihumee
March 11th, 2004
I installed World time a few days ago and I cant seem to get some of my preferences to stay put. This is very annoying to the point where I will have to uninstall. Can somebody help

drcollum has no photo

by: drcollum
September 6th, 2004
Re: Preferences
Having the exact same problem--Win XP Pro - -- Stand alone computer (no network.)  Every few days - All preferences  "forgotten."

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
March 11th, 2004
Re: Preferences
OK - in that case all the prefs should be in a file called worldtime.conf in the <%wodltime folder%>data path.

check and ensure you have write access to that file - sometimes if WT is installed on a network drive and it dosenīt have write permissions and that can cause this type of problem.

Iīm using that version now (as are many others) and although the prefs is still missing a few options I want to add I know that they do work correctly.

Iīm not having an problem on any of my systems anyway.

Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
ihumee has no photo

by: ihumee
March 11th, 2004
Re: Preferences
Thanks for the relpy. It is version
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
March 11th, 2004
Re: Preferences
Which version - is this 5 or 6 - sorry to ask the "Standard Tech Support blah" but I need to know in this case because the entire preferences engine is totally different between these 2 versions - in 5 itīs in the Micro$oft registry in 6 itīs in a config file.
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.

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