Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #538

hans_peter has no photo

by: hans_peter
April 6th, 2006
Vesaverter does not work...
The zip-file of Versaverter I have downloaded contains the following files: unitdata.dtd, unitdata.xsd, units.xml, install.txt, readme.txt, userguide.pdf, versaverter.exe. I unzipped them into C:ProgramVersaverter. When starting the application by dubbelclicking versaverter.exe I get the following errormessages: "The Versaverterr QuickAccess Unit Datafile has been moved or is missing" and after clicking OK: "Cannot create file :Programversaverterdataubase.vvd."
What mistakes do I make??
/hans peter

adudek has no photo

by: adudek
February 26th, 2008
Vesaverter does not work...
How did you extract the files? Just drag and drop won´t work because the data files go into another directory. Extract to your desktop, then drag that folder to  your program file directory.
rong103 has no photo

by: rong103
February 2nd, 2008
Vesaverter does not work...
did you ever get any help with your problem ?  I have the same problem and need some advice on what to do about it.

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