Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #519

Portrait for user

by: user
February 4th, 2006
relative dates
I configured my previous version to display a "+" or "-" in non-local clocks for a date relative to the local clock.

I thought this the snappiest of the many WorldTime features. It was a bright and defining brush stroke in the time canvas I had set up with WT!!

I could look down at my bar of clocks and where the "-"s or the "+"s began or ended showed me immediately between which locations the terminator lay. Using am and pm just doesn´t have the same effect.

I presume that feature is GONE in ?!?!?! :-(
"Not all that counts is counted. Not all that is counted counts." �"Einstein

joetabla has no photo

by: joetabla
December 7th, 2007
relative dates
i had this problem too.  the +/- was cool. then it disappeared, won´t come back.  just gave up on that one.

definitely bugs or quirks here and there.  
but so far so good.  no deal breakers.
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
February 5th, 2006
relative dates
The + or - is there in V6.
David Grugeon
Portrait for grugeon

by: grugeon
February 5th, 2006
relative dates
The + or - is there in V6.
David Grugeon

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