Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #502

bernie has no photo

by: bernie
December 21st, 2005
Window Does Not Appear // Never Mind Found a Fix.
After posting the message I looked around and found a ".conf" file in the world time directory.  At the bottom in a location that said something like "donīt edit this area" was a variable named "left" set to 1232.  This seemed to be a screen location.  I set that to 200, saved the file, and started World Time.  There it was back on my screen.  I supposed when I was working on a larger monitor, that value was set and the World Time program can not tell that it was now on the smaller monitor.  So it is now fixed...the original post read as follows:

====================Original Post

Well after working so nicely for so long, something has gone wrong with my clocks.  The program starts up nicely, and looks like it is doing what is supposed to do.  (I can hear the chimes)  But when I click on the icon, the window does not appear anywhere!

There is an "application window" bar in my start menu as if the window is opened somewhere.  Right clicking on it gives me the option of "closing" or "mininmizing" the window but there is no window opened on my desk top.

Is there some system variable that has the clock painted somewhere off my screen where I canīt see it?  Please help.


bernie has no photo

by: bernie
December 21st, 2005
Window Does Not Appear // Never Mind Found a Fix.
Thanks for the information.  I will remember the zero trick that would be the best since I was just guessing on the number.  

Thanks for the quick follow-up.  We appreciate all the work you do for this great product.  Keep it up.

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
December 21st, 2005
Window Does Not Appear // Never Mind Found a Fix.
Thatīs probably exactly what it is - painted off-screen.

Looking in the WorldTime config file and you should see the coordinates for where the window is positioned (the exact name for this depends on which version you have) - change them to 0,0 and it should be in the top-left corner.
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.

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