Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #433

moose has no photo

by: moose
May 16th, 2005
I have used and enjoy World Time for many years. Running 5.5 right now on a Win XP Home system. itīs presently installed on a partition that i want to delete but i canīt find an un-install for it. it does not show in Add/remove programs list either.

scswanberg has no photo

by: scswanberg
August 10th, 2005
There is an "uninstall.bat" that apparently gets created as part of the Install process:

REM WorldTime Uninstaller
REM Created by WorldTime setup during install on 2005-07-01
TITLE Removing WorldTime

But, it doesnīt get rid of all the directories.
Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
August 4th, 2005
Just delete it (assuming you are referring to WT 6) - WT does not add anything to the system folders - it is designed to create a minimum footprint on your system - so an uninstall is not necessary.
Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
janakar has no photo

by: janakar
August 4th, 2005
Sorry - didnīt mean to post twice...
janakar has no photo

by: janakar
August 4th, 2005
How do you "manually" uninstall the program.  I canīt find under Programs, Explorer, or Add/Remove.  Where are the program files installed so I can uninstall it?
Portrait for deando_au

by: deando_au
May 17th, 2005
Reply to Moose; Youīll have to uninstall manually.

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