Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #351

dvgmt has no photo

by: dvgmt
January 6th, 2005
Uninstalling WT5
Please tell me how to uninstall WT5 and all of its components. Using the Uninstall Program in the Control Panel does not work. I am running Windows 2000.

Thank You

Portrait for sbaker

by: sbaker
January 30th, 2005
Uninstalling WT5
What happens when you try using the remove programs - it should work vor V5...

V6 does not use the regestry so there is no need to mess with all of that (one of the reasons I got rid of the control panel stuff)

Fair Winds, and watch for squalls from leeward.
Portrait for deando_au

by: deando_au
January 7th, 2005
Uninstalling WT5
Well. You could always try just deleting all the links (shortcuts, programmes and folders and then edit the registry.

Works for me...

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