Innovative Web Design and Application Development

Versaverter Release History

If you are interested to see what has changed in Versaverter over time this set of historical change notes should give a good idea. For more information check the Versaverter News and/or Versaverter Community Support Forums.

4.0.a3 2009-12-18

  • Change notice windows to modal
  • Prevent duplicate about windows
  • Add update button on new unit database notice
  • Clear favorite selection when changing units to allow re-selection

Known Issues

  • Unit Conversion Calculator TBD
  • Community Unit Database ( TBD
  • Preferences to control timing of update check TBD
  • Option to manually update unit data TBD
  • Currency Conversion Updates TBD
  • Adobe Air Badge Installer TBD
  • Air application is not formally signed (need to get a certificate)

4.0.a2 2009-12-17

  • Added Conversion Log
  • Added Favorite Conversions
  • Enhanced Search Intelligence
  • Fixed initial unit data data retention

Known Issues

  • Unit Conversion Calculator TBD
  • Community Unit Database ( TBD
  • Preferences to control timing of update check TBD
  • Option to manually update unit data TBD
  • Currency Conversion Updates TBD
  • Adobe Air Badge Installer TBD
  • Air application is not formally signed (need to get a certificate)

4.0.a1 2009-12-14

  • Complete Re-write on the Adobe Air Platform
  • New Intelligent Unit/Category Search - jump straight to units as you type
  • Unit data download completely integrated into the application
  • New Logo, Icon, and Homepage

Known Issues

  • Unit Conversion Calculator TBD
  • Community Unit Database ( TBD
  • Preferences to control timing of update check TBD
  • Option to manually update unit data TBD
  • Currency Conversion Updates TBD
  • Adobe Air Badge Installer TBD
  • Air application is not formally signed (need to get a certificate) - 2004-02-10

  • Added currency conversion - with daily currency update
  • fixed/added several units

Older Releases

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