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Compiling FFMpeg on Centos 5

Category: Technobloggle

October 20th, 2010
This is a highly technical guide to how we managed to install ffmpeg on several CentOS 5.5 32 and 64bit platforms to achieve an effective modern web video transcoder....
Mobile Friendly HTML5 Video
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The video upload dialog

Category: Announcements

January 28th, 2011
By 2014 (or some say even earlier) more people may browse web sites on mobile devices then using desktop computers. As video becomes a key content element, it is essential that web sites can deliver video to all devices. Until now, the process to provide that level of compatibility has been very complicated. The PawPrint AVC (Automatic Video Converter) is going to change that....
VLC Media Player
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VLC Streaming one of our web cams

Category: Technobloggle

June 4th, 2011
Some may already know VLC as the media player that is free, fast, and will play basically anything you throw at it. Even those that do may not realize that it is also a powerful media conversion, streaming, and video capture package....
Automatic Timelapse Video
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Category: Technobloggle

June 17th, 2011
In part to see how it would work, and in part to evaluate the possibilities for some specific applications I have completed a project to create a daily time lapse video that is completely automated using the Axis M1104 web cam, ffmpeg video transcoder, and simple shell scripts....
Bitrates and Codecs and Bandwidth Oh My!
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Category: Technobloggle

April 23rd, 2012
For many, even many video professionals, encoding and modern video compression is basically just a black box full of voodo computer magic. Most just pick a preset and hope for the best and sadly so many of the presets are really not all that great. I get asked constantly for advice in this area and over the years have learned a lot. This needs to be a more complete article, and eventually I will create one - but for now I´m going to address a few or the more salient points....
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