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Temp Flie Cleaner
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TFC Screenshot

Category: Technobloggle

May 21st, 2011
Every Saturday we´re going to add a review of or tip for a piece of software we find useful focusing as much as possible on inexpensive or freeware applications that will give you a great big benefit! The first is Temp File Cleaner (TFC) by OldTimer (there are several applications with this name and we´re recommending this specific one....
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Category: Technobloggle

May 28th, 2011
We constantly hear that we should use different passwords all the time and change them for security - which is Ohhhh so true - but this presents the problem of trying to keep track of them all... KeePass to the rescue!...
VLC Media Player
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VLC Streaming one of our web cams

Category: Technobloggle

June 4th, 2011
Some may already know VLC as the media player that is free, fast, and will play basically anything you throw at it. Even those that do may not realize that it is also a powerful media conversion, streaming, and video capture package....
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Textpad Main Editor

Category: Technobloggle

June 11th, 2011
Windows comes with the very rudimentary text editor: Notepad, and the slightly more robust: Wordpad, but both pale in comparison to Textpad. Don´t underestimate the value of having a really great text editor on your system. As text editors go - this one is hard to beat....
Core Temp
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Category: Technobloggle

June 18th, 2011
It´s good, especially in summer to keep tabs on just how hot your system is running. Any issue that causes your system temperature to climb too high can be a likely cause of crashes and/or system slow downs - even, in extreme cases, permanent damage. Core temp makes that easy and unobtrusive....
Tight VNC
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Tight VNC Connection request

Category: Technobloggle

June 25th, 2011
Have more then one computer in the house and need to quickly change something without wanting to walk over to it? how about helping a family member online, or controlling your system without a monitor, mac from PC or vice versa? Tight VNC will do all of that!...
IMG Burn
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Main Mode choosing screen

Category: Technobloggle

July 2nd, 2011
The very best CD/DVD burning software for Windows also happens to be freeware - it just makes it all the better! If you need a reliable fast CD/DVD or image file creation package then IMG Burn is the answer....
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