Innovative Web Design and Application Development Object Tagging


Versaverter 4 Alpha 2 Released
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Category: Versaverter

December 17th, 2009
The second alpha release of Versaverter 4 is now available for download and testing. The new version includes several enhancements, bug fixes, and new features. This release is still alpha software so we expect a few rough edges....
Versaverter 4 Alpha 3 Released
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Category: Versaverter

December 19th, 2009
The third alpha release of Versaverter 4 is now available for download and testing. The new version includes mainly bug fixes and just a few more enhancements and new features. This release is still alpha software so we expect a few rough edges....
Versaverter 4 Alpha 5 Released
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Category: Versaverter

June 18th, 2010
The fifth alpha of Versaverter 4 (alpha 4 was not released) is now available for download and testing. The new version includes several bug fixes and just a few enhancements. This release was largely completed to implement the build in the new version of Flash Builder....
Recent Items
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Category: Announcements

August 19th, 2010
The latest platform-wide free enhancement to the XDe dramatically enhances the user experience by automatically providing ready back-links to recently accessed content. Immediately available for all registered users on all XDe based sites, the new system is already integrated with many key modules......
Speed Stats and Sharing
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Category: Announcements

October 12th, 2010
The frequency of really useful updates and enhancements seems to be increasing - something that is always good news. Today there are 3 great updates to report. From jQuery to Social Media to Web Analytics and everything is free for anyone using the XDe....
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