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PHP 6 is coming
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Category: Technobloggle

February 10th, 2010
The long awaited PHP 6 version is starting to look more like a reality at the end of a very long tunnel, but in the immediate future the PHP team has depreciated several functions and language concepts in the PHP 5.3 release that are clearly aimed at helping developers start to migrate early......
Web Site Optimization
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Category: Technobloggle

November 21st, 2010
Over the last 2 weeks PawPrint has dramatically enhanced our existing optimization strategy to deliver dynamic web sites faster and more efficiently. This article explores how we keep sites fast and efficient for all clients, with the goal of providing ideas for others....
PHP 5.4 nearing release
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PHP 5.4 final release testing

Category: Technobloggle

January 29th, 2012
In a recent post on Google+ the opening is laced with humor "We are in the final push to PHP 5.4 and we need your help. Everyone who is using PHP can give us a hand here, regardless of your technical abilities. Facebook employees, take a break from calculating your stock option scenarios and give us an hour of your time...."...
XDe Enhancements
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Category: Announcements

March 5th, 2012
Part in parcel with code updates to take further advantage of new features and changes in PHP 5.4 (released last week) we are implementing changes to the XDe CMS code that will increase the speed of all sites and reduce server memory load....
PHP 5.4 Gotchas for Developers
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Category: Technobloggle

May 10th, 2012
After running PHP 5.4 on my development environment for a while I have hit several things that could easily cause enough grief that they need calling attention to. These are new features or changes that will break some existing edge cases in somewhat hidden or obscure ways and can take a long time to find if you don´t know what you´re looking for....
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