Innovative Web Design and Application Development Object Tagging


iPhone vs Android
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Category: Technobloggle

December 5th, 2010
Because PawPrint develops mobile apps we have several phones on hand for testing. Considering all the jousting fanboys extolling the virtues of one platform over another we thought it may be appropriate to add our review from using both phones on a daily basis....
Mobile Friendly HTML5 Video
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The video upload dialog

Category: Announcements

January 28th, 2011
By 2014 (or some say even earlier) more people may browse web sites on mobile devices then using desktop computers. As video becomes a key content element, it is essential that web sites can deliver video to all devices. Until now, the process to provide that level of compatibility has been very complicated. The PawPrint AVC (Automatic Video Converter) is going to change that....
CMS User Interface and Mobile Viewer Updates
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Category: Announcements

August 7th, 2012
Updates have been released to the XDe CMS that include the ability to target content sections and site navigation to desktop and/or mobile devices. The content management form has also been updated to an improved user interface. Check out the walkthrough video for details....
A Google Maps App won't help iOS6
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Sechelt BC looks like a targeting computer in Apple Maps

Category: Technobloggle

September 25th, 2012
Should we be surprised that Google isn't planning to release an iOS native Maps app soon? Perhaps the real question should be: would it even matter if they did? The real problem with the horrifically bad maps in iOS6 really has nothing to do with the dedicated maps app.

So what questions should we be asking?
Tags: app ios maps apple ...
What's Coming for 2014
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Category: Announcements

January 1st, 2014
By now, we're pretty sure everyone will be incredibly tired of all the 2013 retrospectives. So rest-assured this article is not going to hit you with yet another one! Rather a look forward to what is coming and some things you should consider right now to start 2014 off right....
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