Innovative Web Design and Application Development

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Sunshine Coast B&B Assoc.
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Category: Web Design

June 1st, 2006

The Sunshine Coast Bed & Breakfast and Cottage Owner´s Association (SCBBCOA) needed help, they had been fleeced by their previous web designer and desperately needed changes to their web site. In addition they wanted to have their own on-line availability and booking system to provide to their members.

PawPrint provided a complete solution using an array of XDe modules and completely re-built their web site from scratch. The new site came with a host of features including:

  • Individual Accommodations Listings
  • Member and General Advertising
  • Member able to edit their own listings and Ads
  • A forum for board meeting minutes and discussion
  • A subscription system and eCommerce system for membership and ad renewals
  • Extensive web based stats for the site, listings, and ads
  • Better search engine placement
  • Content Management also helped the SCBBCOA regain control of their domain names and came to the rescue when their previous hosting company´s server crashed and they nearly lost all their data.

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