Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #339

ron has no photo

by: ron
December 7th, 2004
DON"T give up older Date Format options ....
I´ve been using - and still do use - and display many clocks as I have to deal with many places around the world.  With so many clocks, you have to keep the DATE format short, if you want the total display of clocks to be as small as possible.

Hence, the Date Format option of choice was DDD (it actually displays in Ddd format - incidentally - which is better than if all CAPS were used as the displayed format suggests.)  In looking at a world clock, there is always only TWO week-days displayed, no matter what time it is anywhere in the world - and what I need to see at a glance is which of those Days it is at a displayed location.

So... on deciding to help with development by also using the latest BETA version, I was disappointed in finding that DDD or Ddd was not a current date format option.

I must note too, that having a M/D is rather silly for multiple clocks - the month does change, yes, and it is needed for many other reasons (display on the local home clock, for example), but only the DAY is important when looking at many locations on any given day across the world.

Bottom line - I hope that as you write this program, more date options are planned - particularly keeping those that people have become accustomed to using in older versions of this very handy and useful tool!

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