Innovative Web Design and Application Development Forum

Thread #621

arthur_skip has no photo

by: arthur_skip
October 21st, 2006
Time for Colombo Sri Lanka is wrong
It should be 30  minutes behind what it shows now

Portrait for lee1764jalee

by: lee1764jalee
August 13th, 2021
Time for Colombo Sri Lanka is wrong
Good day guys! Thank you for this information, as it is very useful for me! I know for sure that with so many scam writing companies currently operational in the industry it may become too confusing for inexperienced customers to decide which educational agency to place their trust in. There is, however, only one professional company (you can read an article about "Consider the Form of Your Eyes Before Returning to School" wright here) which is trusted by millions around the world - it's the best agency I have ever found.
roberma has no photo

by: roberma
January 26th, 2007
Time for Colombo Sri Lanka is wrong
I agree, it should be UTC+5.5 hours not UTC+6 as the current application version is saying.  I have verified this with my sister who is currently living in the country and on wikipedia among other websites.

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