Innovative Web Design and Application Development News

June 11th, 2011
June 11th, 2011


Latest in our Saturday Software Review series

Textpad Main Editor
Textpad Main Editor
Windows comes with the very rudimentary: Notepad, and slightly better: Wordpad, but both pale in comparison to Textpad. Donīt underestimate the value of a really great text editor on your system. As text editors go - this one is hard to beat.

Platform: Windows
Cost: Shareware
Summary: powerful, general purpose editor for plain text files. Easy to use, with all the features a power user requires.

Having textpad at my disposal has become so second nature to my daily routing of working on various forms of files that I am somewhat lost when I get to a new computer and canīt just right click I file to get into it with Textpad. This is, by far, the best text editor for windows.

Why do you need a text editor? For the average user, it may be as simple as removing all the junk formatting from a word document you plan on posting to a web site, or just to make a really quick list to print out when you donīt want to load up some office suite and get total overkill just to type in a few words. For the seasoned power user the reasons abound. I have found uses for Textpad including:
  • Editing code
  • Tweaking Binary files like PDFs
  • Inspecting files with incorrect file extensions to see what they really are.
  • Clearing special characters
  • Comparing files
  • Converting from Dos to Unix line terminations
  • Getting word, character, and line counts
The list goes on and on.

In short Windows need a better text editor regardless of your user style and Textpad is it.

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