Showing posts from chelmite with most recent posts first
March 23rd 2005 @ 16:49 | bug: Clock Face Preferences not retained The title of the bug should be "Clock Face", not "Block Face". |
March 23rd 2005 @ 16:38 | bug: Location Manager has multiple entries for Baden-Württemburg Open Location Manager. Click on Germany. There is a Baden-Württemburg and a Baden Württemburg. I ... |
March 23rd 2005 @ 16:36 | bug: Location Manager delete entry collapses all entries Open Location Manager. Click on Germany. Click on Baden-Württemburg. Click on Freiburg. Click De... |
March 23rd 2005 @ 16:31 | bug: Location Manager displays DST Rule in incompatible format Open Location Manager. Click on Germany/Berlin. Click Update. The error message is : ´126: ... |
March 23rd 2005 @ 14:51 | bug: Clock Face override doesn´t work Open Preferences, go to Clock Objects tab. Click on Clock Face Font. Mine displays font size 8. C... |
March 23rd 2005 @ 14:49 | bug: Block Face Preferences not retained Open Preferences, go to Clock Objects tab. Click on Clock Face Font. Mine displays font size 8. C... |
March 23rd 2005 @ 14:28 | annoyance?: Calculator doesn´t always update In the World Time Calculator, changing the "Q: If it is currently" time causes the calcula... |
March 23rd 2005 @ 13:49 | annoyance: font size selections are inconsistent In Preferences/Clock Objects, click on Clock Face Font. The Font dialog opens, giving font sizes 8-... |
March 23rd 2005 @ 13:30 | annoyance: Main window closes after closing any subwindow Click on one of your clocks in WT6. It says "Zone Manager not active". The Clock Manager... |
March 23rd 2005 @ 13:27 | annoyance: Confirm changes when no changes made Click on one of your clocks in WT6. It says "Zone Manager not active". The Clock Manager... |
March 23rd 2005 @ 13:24 |
divide by zero bug in World Explorer Open the World Explorer. Rotate the globe. If the pole points up, you get a divide by zero. |
November 2nd 2004 @ 00:45 |
Re: world time beta hangs at startup I have the same problem. I got rid of the Tokyo clock from data/wtclocks.wtd. WorldClock ... |
March 15th 2004 @ 00:25 |
Re: WT600941 Sync/probs I´m having the same problem. WT starts up, says Network: Connection Detected, but it´s ... |