Innovative Web Design and Application Development Glossary of Terms

This dictionary of web design, photography, computer and graphic design terms has been compiled from many sources and is constantly being augmented and undergoing revisions to try and capture as much of the lingo and technical vocabulary as possible.  

Random terms, by category

Data and Telecommunications, terms, concepts and abbreviations. (19 terms)
A coding technique that transmits T1 data at 1.536Mbps by inserting the pattern 00011011, with BPVīs in the fourth and seventh positions, wherever ones density requirements are not met by the unmodified data.  It requires the CSU to not remove bipolar violations, and works only where the phone company equipment can tolerate it. This allows 64Kbps channels on a T1 (for example) rather then the base 56Kbps.
Computer Hardware parts, abbreviations and concepts. (6 terms)
RAM is a type of computer storage whose contents can be accessed in any order. This is in contrast to sequential memory devices such as magnetic tapes, discs and drums, in which the mechanical movement of the storage medium forces the computer to access data in a fixed order. It is usually implied that RAM can be both written to and read from, in contrast to read-only memory or ROM.

Computers use RAM to hold the program code and data during execution. In the first electronic computers, RAM wa...
Graphic Design & prepress terms from desktop publishing to offset printing. (14 terms)
Abbreviation of Printer Control Language, the Page Description Language (PDL) developed by Hewlett Packard and used in many of their laser and ink-jet printers. PCL 5 and later versions support a scalable font technology called Intellifont.
Linux/Unix Terms and Commands. (9 terms)
ls [options] [names]

List the contents of a directory or directories. This is similar to the dos command īdirī frequently abbreviated in many shells to ll for ls -l which lists files with long format. If no [names] then the contents of the current directory are listed.

-1, --format=single-column
Print one entry per line of output.

List all files, including the normally hidden files whose names begin with a period.

-b, --escape
Display nonprinting characters in octal an...
Photography terms and concepts, including digital and traditional photographic techniques. (11 terms)
Zoom Lens
A lens of variable focal length. For example, in an 50-500mm Zoom Lens, the focal length can be vaired between the lower limit of 50mm and the upper of 500mm. This affects the scale of the image on which the lens is focused without throwing the image out of focus.
Web design termonology, concepts, and abbreviations. (46 terms)
Administrative Contact
(usually an employee or Agent of the Registrant)
A Contact for a domain name that is authorized to purchase new services into the account, Ability to maintain userīs access rights to the account, Ability to modify all domain name registrations and services in the account.

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